2343.- 4. Morris Kushner

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2343.- 4. Morris Kushner


7’ 3”, strgered ferrule, # 5 line. 1 tip, bag and tube. Morris was a good friend , we spent many hours talking about rod actions and how to build them. Morris ‘s shop Kushner Engineering was located . close to the Paul Young Co. in Detroit. This led to Morris and me becoming friends. He was one of the smartest engineering minds I ever knew. He was famous around Detroit for solving manufacturing problems. We spent a week camped on Lake Nipagon with a Indian guide. During this time we caught twenty inch Brook trout and designed rods and equipment to build them. This

was . in September of 1966. When Morris passed away, his family sold me his shop their were a dozen or so rods not finish. I finished them and wrote on them cane and parts by Morris Kusner. Rod completed by R.W. Summers. This rod is one of them. Two photo’s of . Morris, the guide and me will go with the sale.

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