2564 - 7. George Halstead
2564 - 7. George Halstead
8’#5 line 2 piece 2 tips bag & tube The wraps were geting a little cracked & a few chips in the varnish To correct this I have steel wooled and gave the rod a light varnish overcoat It is now ready for years of fishing or collect The American Museum Of Fly Fishing did a great story on the life of George Halstead Winter of 2008 Volume 34 #1 I have lawn cast the rod Its one of the best 5 wt. rods I have ever cast If you could not enjoy fishing this rod all day Forget Bamboo The rod is not marked Halstead All the research I have done shows he marked very few of the 600 0r so rods he made They are identifyed by his metal work Reelseat & ferrules There is no doubt in my mind this rod was made byGeorge Halstead I would guess 1950s