#2774-4 Bill Waara 7'
#2774-4 Bill Waara 7'
7’ # 4 line 2 piece 2tips bag & tube I met bill about 1985 He was a mechanial engineer +. He owned his own comany designing and building assembly. lines for the big three auto Co. Bill could make anything. He made Bamboo fly rods as a hobby and gave them away His engineering mind led to him designing his own equipment & methits Being a math . Genius he applyed a lot of math to designing his rod tapers I realy enjoyed talking shop with Bill He was very active in the Mich. Fly Fishing Club & Trout Unlimited The rod looks like it was maybe fished once. The owners name is on rod in Bills hand writing I have lawn cast it and like it with 4 Wt. lines I would consider this rod a nice piece of Michigan rod makeing history to fish & collect