#29174-5 JimSchaaf. Reo Grande
#29174-5 JimSchaaf. Reo Grande
8’ 6” # 5 t0 6 line 3 tips bag & tube. Built in 1999 for Dr. Jerry Stien. Jims friend & co.author of the book Dickerson The Man And His Rods. Jerry is now 80+ years old We are helping him find new homes for his many fine rods Jerry loves Bamboo fly rods This rod shows very little use. with a collection of about 200. no one rod got used verry much. This rod has 3 tips there all serial numbered the same as the butt .I have lawn cast it and like it with both 5 & 6 Wt. lines. I would consider it a dry fly. action made for accurate placement. of a dry fly