2487 - 11 Orvis 7' 6" Custom # 8 line
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2487 - 11 Orvis 7' 6" Custom # 8 line
Orvis impregnated 7’6” #8 line 1 tip bag &tube Rod was a heavy spinning rod The owner had it custom built into a special purpose fly rod For casting big streamers #6 3” long This is done when floating a narrow northern michigan river such as the Boardman & Jordan Most of the casts are 30’ or less right close to the bank into a deep hole 3 to 5’ This is a good way to get big brownsThe rod is also good for night fishing with deer hair mice The rod has the backbone to keep a 20” + brown out of a log jam I have lawn cast the rod it wll cast 50’ or more &fish close