#2849-3 Payne 206
sold out
#2849-3 Payne 206
8’ 6” 4 5/8 Oz. # 6 to 7 line 2 piece 3 tips bag & tube Rod was sold by H D. FOLSON ARMS CO. in New York sometime befor 1948. The reel seat cap is stamped Payne & H D. FOLSON Arms CO. One tip Is 5” short & one tip is a later Replacment The rod was refinished when the replacmert tip was made Its all in excllent fishable condition. Ferrule fit is good I have lawn cast it And like it with all 3 tips The short tip would be perfect for our Michigan hex hatch throwing a #6 hex fly sometimes 30 Ft. or less Useing. a WF.8 line .