#2748-4 R W Summers model 856

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#2748-4 R W Summers model 856


8’ #5to6 line 3 tips bag & tube I built this rod for Bob Jackson in 1979 I first met Bob About 1975 when i moved on to the Boardman River Bob is the only person I knew who learned to tye flys and fished with Len Halladay inventor of the Adams fly Bob was born 1918 died 2007 Len was born 1872 died 1952 Bob spent his summers up north near Mayfield This enabled him to visit Lens House & Shop were he learned the basics of fly tyeing that lasted for the rest of his life This was in his teenage years What a lucky kid After Bob retired He & his family spent a lot of time at a cottage Bob built on Arbutis lake near Mayfield When he He came to my shop He allways gave me a gift of a few flys he had tyed And had great storys of his teen age years and the time he spent with Len Halladay fishing the Boardman And local lakes for bluegills. THe rod has 3 tip s because bob put a hook nick in one I put a clear saftey wrap on it and made a new third tip At that time i Steel wooled the rod a gave it a light varnish overcoat Its now ready to fish for the next 50 years

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