#2720-5 Paul Young Parabolic 15
#2720-5 Paul Young Parabolic 15
8’ #5 to 6 line 3 tips bag & tube Rod blanks with Supper Z ferrules installed Was sold to Don West in Dallas Texas Don inscribed his name & date 1952 on rod I refinished the rod in 2012 and added a 3 th. heavy tip I have I inscribed this information on the rod The heavery tip brings out the parabolic action a little more During the years 1956 to 1960 that I worked with mr. Young I remember a lot of talk about tip s for the Parabolic 15 with customers like Don West We made tips as fine as 4/64 to 6/64 on special request I retained Don s writing on the rod. This is a great all around 5 to 6 Wt. rod#2720-5